Mustard Seeds.
Mustard Seeds are said to draw protection, ward off evil, and dispel negative energies.
Brown Mustard Seeds, also known as black mustard seeds, are used in cursing spells, to keep law away and in court case works, and is used to confuse energies, and dispel troublesome and meddling people.
Yellow Mustard Seeds also known as white mustard seeds are used in protective workings, they work against the evil eye. They are used to ward off negative spirits, and help with exorcism.
Bury under doorstep of home, or by front door to dispel negative spirits and energies.
Yellow mustard seeds are helpful in love spells. Use in love mojos, candles, poppets, and spells.
Luna Enchanted uses the finest botanicals, herbs, roots, berries, seeds etc. Botanicals come pre-bagged.
Items sold as curio only.