Metatron Love & Light Oil.
Archangel Metatron Love and Light Oil is a spiritual oil that can bring in blessings, protection, self-love, universal love, abundance, happiness, wisdom, spiritual wisdom, learning, good vibrations, positive energies and remove unwanted and negative energies.
Archangel Metatron also known as Lord Metatron is the Archangel Of Ascension. He is also said to be the scribe of God and angel of wisdom. He is said to be Prophet Enoch transformed into Archangel.
Metatron appears in Judaism, Christianity, Islam. Archangel Metatron is said to be in charge of all of creation and is considered an Archangel as well as a judge.
He helps us to raise our vibration, helps with spiritual development, blessings, protection.
His name is said to translate to “He who works from behind the Throne” (of God).
This oil has been charged with Reiki and IET, Intergrated Energy Therapy, (Healing with the Angels) and a special ritual.
It has been prayed over from start to finish by Luna of Luna Enchanted.
Item sold as curio.