Master Key Voodoo Oil should be a basic staple in any magickal cupboard. This oil will help with and bring power to any spell, and help you master any situation, or working. It gives you the key to all doors.
Each Master Key Voodoo Oil, from Luna's book of shadows, has a piece of Master Root in it along with other proprietary herbs, roots and curios including a small key.
This oil can be used to anoint candles, mojos, amulets, doll babies etc. You can use this to open your roads to success, prosperity, love, good health, protection etc. It helps you master all.
Combine with Road opener oil to clear your path and bring in luck and the ultimate positive changes.
Use on a candle before you study for an exam to help you master your skills and knowledge. This oil is a spiritual oil but is said to also help those win at court or are incarcerated to get free. It can also help justice be served on those who are deserving of it.
Most importantly this oil adds power to all you magickal and spiritual workings.
It can help close doors and keep unwanted/meddlesome people from your life, use to help bind or remove meddling people.
This oil is made in Conjure style and is charged in a very special ritual.
This oil takes time to prepare and is conjured during the appropriate Lunar Cycle as well.
This Oil is prepared, prayed over, and magickally charged by Luna, a practicing Witch, and Hoodoo practitioner with over 20 years magickal experience.