Juniper Berries.
Juniper Berries, also known as Gin Berries, is said to draw protection, exorcism, Love, and good health.
Perfect in Spells of Love. Use to attract a new love. Use in mojos to attract a new love along with coriander seeds and basil.
Use in incense to draw love or protection. For protection or exorcism add juniper berries to a mix of copal resin and sandalwood powder burn on charcoal. Juniper incense helps uncross and with jinx-removal.
Carry Juniper Berries to attract a new love. Juniper berries are a botanical of manifestation. It helps your wishes become manifest.
Make a mojo with Juniper and hang by front door to ward off evil and keep away thieves.
Juniper helps with psychic awareness, and increases prophetic abilities.
Juniper carried by a man is said to increase his potency.
Luna Enchanted uses the finest botanicals, herbs, roots, berries, seeds etc. Botanicals come pre-bagged.
Items sold as curio only.