Flax Seeds.
Flax Seeds. also known as Linseed, is said to draw money, and luck.
Place Flax in a white mojo bag for protection, add rose quartz and guardian angel medal to help protect children.
Use in spells to draw beauty, & self-esteem.
Use to draw money. Use in money drawing oils, mojos, mixes, spells etc.
Flax is said to help draw psychic awareness, psychic vision, clairvoyance, and psychic protection. Use with amethyst for psychic ability and protection.
Add flax seed to your money altar. Use in your wallet to draw money. Wear on body to help ward off poverty.
Use Yellow mustard seed, fennel seed, caraway seed, and flax seeds to ward off evil, dark magick and curses.
Luna Enchanted uses the finest botanicals, herbs, roots, berries, seeds etc. Botanicals come pre-bagged.
Items sold as curio only.