EVIL EYE===== WARD OFF EVIL===== Potent Protection OIL====
Evil Eye / Ward Off Evil Oil!!!.
Made from the best oils and highest quality herbs, roots, Berries and curios. Including Bay leaves, Mustard Seeds, Evil Eye Talisman and much more!
This is the real deal!
This oil is a proprietary blend that Luna makes from her own book of shadows. It is one of her most popular items, and has many return customers. True test is that folks always want more!
This oil is prepared, prayed over, and Magickally charged by Luna, a practicing Witch, and Hoodoo Practioner with over 20 years magickal experience.
The Evil Eye Talisman is made to Ward off Negativity and Evil; To bring Protection and Balance to your life. It is made to help protect you physically, emotionally and spiritually as well as protect your love life, and prosperity and bring psychic protection. This is oil is made using those same properties!
Do you fee like you are under attack? Do you feel like your life is falling apart? This evil eye oil can help with all that is attacking you!
This is a big time protection Oil!!
Use this oil to Annoint Candles,
Feed Mojos or Conjure bags,
Annoint yourself.
There are many Magickal uses for this Oil
It is not mass produced!
It is made in Conjure style and is charged in a very special ritual.
This oil takes time to prepare and is conjured during the appropriate Lunar Cycle.