The Devil's Pod also known as a Bat Nut or Goat's Head is a protective amulet in Hoodoo; It is said that carrying it will bring protection and ward off evil.
There are 2 common types of Devil Pods used in root work, the larger Asian bat nut and the Fresh Water bat nut. Luna harvests the fresh water bat nuts herself.
Devil Pod's/Bat nut are strong protective amulets. Hang them in your home by your doors to keep out negative spirits. You can hang them in business and offices for same purposes.
The pod is also associated with Happiness in Asia, hang in your home for happiness and peace. You can anoint or fix your pods with oils such as protection, or ward off evil or Happiness, or Peace to draw more of the same into your home or business.
Luna has found them to dispel negative folks and also keep away thieves.
You can use them in a mojo for uncrossing, protection, and exorcism.
This is for one Bat head nut/ Devil Pod.
Item sold as curio only.