Bay Leaf.
Bay Leaf, also known as Bay Laurel Leaf,and Sweet Bay is said to draw protection, ward off evil, psychic awareness, clairvoyance, prophetic dreams, wishes, and purification.
Bay is an ingredient in Crown of Success formula, Wish Formulas, and Protection Oils.
Write your wishes on a bay leaf and burn to help bring them to life.
.Recipe for a Spiritual Bath: Dead Sea Salts, Bay Leaf, Basil, Rosemary, Lemongrass, Roses, & Florida Water. Pray Psalm 23 "The Lord is my Shepard"
Sleep with Bay Leaf under or in pillow to bring prophetic dreams and visions.
A favorite of Luna's wear basil and bay leaf on your wedding day to draw fidelity, love and a long happy marriage.
Bay leaf is said to keep a lover. Bay leaf is an herb used for Victory and success spells and are great in Win at Court Mixes.
Luna Enchanted uses the finest botanicals, herbs, roots, berries, seeds etc. Botanicals come pre-bagged.
Items sold as curio only.