Balm of Gilead.
Balm of Gilead also known as Balsam Tree, is said to draw love, protection, healing and manifest your desires.
Balm of Gilead has become a substitute for one half of the Adam and Eve love drawing pair.
Balm of Gilead can help mend a broken heart, carry with rose quartz.
It can help attract a new love, reconcile lovers, and revitalize a relationship.
Use a matched pair to protect against curses.
Use to repair friendship and heal friendships.
Balm of Gilead wards off evil, evil eye and helps to bring luck especially in money.
Use balm of Gilead in come to me mixes to bring back a lover.
Balm of Gilead can help manifest what you desire, it is an herb of manifestation.
Luna Enchanted uses the finest botanicals, herbs, roots, berries, seeds etc. Botanicals come pre-bagged.
Items sold as curio only.