Agrimony, also known as Cockleburr, Sticklewort, and Stickwort, is said to be an herb of that brings protection, reverses curses, unjinxing, uncrossing. It is a return to sender herb.
Agrimony draws business success and helps draw customer and client interest. Use in a floor wash with patchouli, and basil to draw happy customers.
Sprinkle Agrimony and dead sea salt in the corners of home, business or office to draw protection and remove negative energies.
Use Agrimony along with Slippery Elm, and Chia seeds in stop slander, stop gossip and spreading lies mojo or mixes.
Luna Enchanted uses the finest botanicals, herbs, roots, berries, seeds etc. Botanicals come pre-bagged.
Items sold as curio only.